Heyoka Solutions is proud to offer comprehensive home energy assessment and audit services to builders and homeowners in Southeastern Massachusetts including Cape Cod. For Builders: To keep up with the demands of energy codes and building departments, utilizing the knowledge of Paul Raymer (Certified HERS Rater) Heyoka Solutions offers: - Blower Door testing for whole building air leakage compliance for the State Energy Codes including the Stretch Code. This includes calculation of the ACH50 of the house;
- Duct testing to comply with Total Leakage and Leakage to Outside numbers;
- ResCheck calculations;
- HERS Rating for Mass Save incentives and the Stretch Code;
- Ventilation system design and performance verification;
- Manual J Calculations.
Call me at 866-389-8578 or email me at [email protected] to arrange a meeting. For Homeowners: With the rising cost of energy, it is important not to waste money by sending it up your chimney. There are a vast array of options in any home for making it more comfortable and saving energy, but where do you start?
 The only way to know is have your home analyzed by an unbiased and experienced professional. Heyoka Solutions staff have been working with building science for more than thirty years, and wrote some of the original energy analysis software back in the late 1970's. Heyoka does not sell insulation, air sealing, or duct sealing. We don't tune up or replace furnaces. We can recommend trusted contractors to get those things done correctly.
We do training all over the country for non-profits and utilities and contractors, teaching courses in air sealing, combustion safety, ducting analysis and repair, and energy analysis.
We can show you where your home is leaking air with our "blower door" and duct testing and infrared thermography. We do combustion safety testing, looking for gas leaks and water heater exhaust gas spillage. We can walk you through small changes in your home that could make a big difference in how well your heating system delivers heat to the rooms, how you could improve the indoor air quality (IAQ), how you could reduce (or increase) the humidity in your home without causing damage to the structure. We can show you how to do your own air sealing.
Paul Raymer is a Certified HERS Rater (8527642), one of the few in the area. He is also a BPI Certified Building Analyst, Envelope Professional, Heat Professional, and AC/Heat Pump Professional. He can provide Manual J calculations for heating system design and do airflow testing for LEED for Homes programs. He is a member of the ASHRAE 62.2 SSPC that establishes residential ventilation rates. And he wrote the book on residential ventilation - "Residential Ventilation Handbook".
We would also recommend that you arrange for a free energy audit through Cape Light Compact in order to gain access to the many benefit of the state sponsored program. Our assessment will provide you with a comprehensive plan of improvement. If you are interested in having us assess your home, please contact us (866-389-8578) or [email protected] to arrange for a time for us to visit your home. Assessments cost between $200 and $1,200 depending on the details  of the audit, equipment used, and size of the home.
Before we come out please assemble some information for us about your home including:
- Age of your home;
- Total square footage (based on assessor's information);
- Stories above ground level;
- Number of occupants;
- Number of refrigerators, TVs, Computers, Freezers, or any other large appliances;
- Type of heating system and fuel source;
- Type of air conditioning;
- Type of water heater;
- Type of oven;
- Type of thermostat (programmable or single point or multi-zone).
Also assemble your electric and fuel bills for the past 12 months.
Thank you. We look forward to working with you to make your home more comfortable and energy efficient and cost less.