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ASHRAE 62.2 Worksheets and Checklists
Auditor/Inspector Checklist When verifying a home for compliance with ASHRAE 62.2-2010 compliance, a checklist is a useful tool to verify that all parts of the Standard have been complied with. This a checklist for working through an existing home to determine if all the component parts of the ASHRAE 62.2 Standard has been met. Click on Auditor/Inspector Checklist to download the complete form.
Ventilation System Documentation Form Section 6.2 of ASHRAE 62.2-2010 requires that the ventilation system be documented. Having worked through the steps of deciding how to comply with the whole building ventilation and local exhaust requirements, this form provides a clear way of documenting the system design, equipment used, flows measured, the equipment used, and the name and contact information of the pertinent personnel. Click on 62 Documentation Form to download the complete form.
ASHRAE 62.2 Whole Building Ventilation Calculation Sheet The basic whole building calculation is simple. But there are options that can reduce the required airflow if a blower door test has been performed called the "infiltration credit". Making that calculation requires the use of another ASHRAE Standard (136). This worksheet includes weather data for all the cities included in the 136 Standard. Just enter the State or Province and the closest city, and the sheet will calculate the infiltration credit.
There is an Appendix to the Standard, Appendix A, that allows existing fans in a home to be left in place by modifying the whole building ventilation rate. This sheet also allows the entry of information from an existing building.
The sheet also calculates the 'N' value, ACH50, ACHnatural, and a target CFM50 that would provide 0.35 air changes per hour. And it has an entry space for a new CFM50 for system adjustments.
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